If you are a family with multiple exhibitors, sign in as a quick group (in the blue bar above first name) and you can check out in the same cart.  
PLEASE USE YOUR MAILING ADDRESS if it is different from your physical address.
Register your 1-2 market animals, but look for the Family Alternate Animals section to register all alternates.  Alternates only need to be registered under 1 exhibitor in the family or you will be charged too much.
Sheep Fitting has a registration entry category and exhibitors need to register by weigh-in to be guaranteed a spot.  You also need to list a partner.
Beginners (5-8 yrs old), can be registered now or until Saturday February 1, 2025 if you want a wristband.
You may save a cart, but in order for registration to be considered complete you MUST pay for entries at checkout.
Any questions please call Denise O’Toole at 702-371-4076.